Thursday, February 21, 2008


i just moved to chicago. which may or may not be ironic considering chicago is the birthplace of subscription girl. on august 11, 2007 at wizard world chicago, i asked politely asked dan didio and paul levitz of DC to please hire me so i could make their subscription service not suck. i thought it was a reasonable request. they, well, had other ideas. on the plus side, i was a celebrity the rest of the day and art baltazar (of tiny titans fame) drew my likeness out of sincere admiration.

so, what now? well, i've been kinda wondering the same thing. and then some friends of mine made the best suggestion to have ever been suggested: visit the local comic book stores and rate them. do for other geekdom loving females what you wish had always been done for you. that, my friends, is a challenge i plan on doing more than simply succeeding in.


calanan said...

subscription girl, it there nothing you can not do?!

subscription girl said...

stop being awesome. that would be impossible for subscription girl!

Beers said...

You need a podcast too!